
Piston Peak Chronicles: Corn Festival part 4

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Part 4: The Bet

“Oh come on, Cabbie! This’ll be fun!” Drip said, dragging the man a little bit by his arm.

“Drip, I don’t do games.”

Cabbie had decided to stick close with the Smokejumpers after the show. For the most part, he was just watching them do whatever but now they were trying to drag him into some kind of contest or least Drip was.

“You don’t do ANYTHING besides fly me and the others to fires and listen to really bad music.”


“What? It’s true!”

Drip received a smack to the back of his head from Dynamite.


“He said no, Drip.”

Drip huffed a bit, crossing his arms. “Fiiine. Alright boys! Looks like it’s just you and me!”

The other two male Smokejumpers cheered as they rushed over to the Corn Eating Contest that was going on.

“I know it’s called the Corn Festival but isn’t this a bit much?” Cabbie asked.

Dynamite and Pinecone shrugged.

“We don’t think so but as for those guys entering against who ever else this oughta be interesting.” Pinecone said, chuckling.

“Who do you bet is gonna win?” Dynamite asked.

“I’m thinking Avalanche. He seems to wolf down his food whenever it’s meal time.” Pinecone answered.

“I’m thinking Drip.”


The group looked up to see Windlifter had just joined them.

“Oh? Then who?” Dynamite asked, putting her hands on her hips. He just comes out of no where sometimes!

Windlifter looked over at the contestants, looking at each one carefully.

“See the young boy with orange hair and blue eyes?”

Cabbie looked to where Windlifter was looking. He could see the kid he was talking about.

“That scrawny kid in the dark brown shirt with the racing flags on the sleeves?”

“Yes. He’ll be the winner.”

Cabbie, Dynamite and Pinecone gave him a bit of an odd look. “You sure?”

Windlifter nodded.

“Alright. How about we all make bets then? Whoever the winner is gets the 20 bucks I have in my pocket.”

The three looked at each other before nodding, save Windlifter.

“My bets on Drip.” Dynamite said.

“Avalanche for me.” Pinecone said.

Cabbie thought for a moment before answer. “I’ll bet on the kid Windlifter mentioned.”

They all looked to Windlifter.

“I want no part of this.”

“Alright, let’s go get a good seat.”

The group made their way over to one of the tables to watch. The contest was simple. Whoever was able to finish off their corn on the cob first was the winner. The Smokejumpers competing stood out a little since a lot of the contestants were on the younger side but there were enough older ones to balance it out.

“And… go!” the guy in charge of the contest shouted.

The group watched intently as the contestants ate away at their corn. Cabbie glanced over the Smokejumpers before looking over to the kid he had betted on feeling his eyes go a bit wide as he noticed how fast the kid was eating. It seemed like his cob and hands was moving like lightning.

Holy smokes.

Within a few seconds the contest was over and the kid was the winner. The guy in charge grabbed the kid’s arm, raising it in the air. “And we have our winner! Theo Nash!”

The Smokejumpers that had entered all groaned, feeling disappointment at their lost. Dynamite, Pinecone and Cabbie looked to Windlifter in wonder.

“How did you know that kid would win?” Dynamite asked.

Windlifter closed his eyes. “His secret, which I shall not speak.”

“Oh come on!”

Cabbie chuckled, holding up a hand. “You heard him. He isn’t talking, now pay up, Missy.”

Dynamite grumbled as she handed over her 20 bucks to Cabbie. “Next time, you don’t get help from our local fortune teller.”
And finally the Corn Festival series has come to a close.

Decided to end it on a silly note with the Smoke Jumpers being their usual selves. Threw in Cabbie and Windlifter in for the heck of it since they haven't appeared in enough of the stories. It's hard to write them solo, they need someone else present to bounce of them so this worked. 

Windlifter sees all. O___O

Cookies to those who get the hidden reference with the kid Cabbie betted on.


World of Cars © Disney - PIXAR

Piston Peak Chronicles © Aileen-Rose

© 2014 - 2024 Aileen-Rose
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NicksNumberOneFan's avatar
How Windlifter knew, I'm not sure if I really WANT to know....

But the underdog does trump all!  Also I'm feeling proud of myself becuz I found my very 1st reference in one of your stories, the Turbo one! * Gives self a Ding Dong *
Me: I'm so proud of you!
Me: Thanks me!