
Having a Life: Spring Him Loose

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Literature Text

“Gabe… you’re gonna trust me this much with something like THIS?”

Gabe crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair.

“Sis, you’re one of the best lawyers I know in Cumberland and the kid deserves a good lawyer, not some guy the system just throws at him.”

Gabe’s sister crossed her arms as well, raising an eyebrow.

“You sure about that statement? You know I don’t generally do huge cases.”

“Yeah I know, you’re more for traffic cases and whatever other crap goes on in the courtroom but besides that, last I checked, you don’t like losing fights.”

She smirked. “And I haven’t lost one yet.”

Gabe smirked back. “Reason you’re perfect for this, Mary.”

Mary started pacing the room a little.

“Hmm…. Well I can’t go in empty handed. You don’t walk into a fight without some kind of weapon… What you got for me?”

“A whole hospital staff to act as witnesses, various patients, myself and not to mention an FBI agent.”

Mary looked to Gabe surprised.

“Oh, one of the big dogs huh?”

“Yep. Mainly keeps to himself but he does care for this guy’s well being.”

Mary hummed in thought, thinking everything over.

“Good number of witnesses… What about evidence?”

“I’ll get you whatever you need, but trust me… There’s a boat load of evidence.. just spring this guy loose. That’s all I ask.” Gabe gave a serious look. “He deserves better than what he’s stuck with.”

Mary smiled. “Aww… Your caring side is showing.”

Gabe rolled his eyes.

“So… will you do it?”

“Well… I have good ammunition… and well… I can’t turn down a good fight… Alright, I’ll do it, under one condition.”


Mary smirked.

“You owe Amy some guitar time.”

Gabe shook his head chuckling.


“Well then.” Mary grinned. “CR-S01 has got himself a lawyer.”


CR-S01 was waiting in his transport prison car, feeling a little anxious as he thought everything that was going to transpire. He wasn’t sure what to expect. It had already been a long week with helping patients recover from the Rosalia Epidemic and on top of that saving a colleague… Now… the focus was on what his future would be.

“Hey, it’s time, get out.” he heard Ian say as he opened the door.

CR-S01 took a deep breath before getting up, stepping out into the light of a sunny afternoon. He was greeted by Ian along with some other guards… and one other person CR-S01 had never met before… yet looked familiar. A young woman with short green hair and bright caramel brown eyes. She was dressed nicely and had a brief case in her left hand. She extended her free hand to him.

“Nice to meet you CR-S01, I’m Mary Cunningham, I’ll be your lawyer for this case.”

CR-S01 got a little wide eyed, looking her over.

Cunningham… As in… Dr. Cunningham?

Mary chuckled.

“Yes I’m Gabe’s younger sister, he referred me to you since he said you needed some help.”

“Y-Yes... “ He lowered his gaze a bit. “The odds seem stacked against me…”

Mary took his hand, giving him a shake.

“Well, you got me to dig you out.”

Ian looked at Mary, giving a questioning look.

“Overconfidence is not going to make this case easy.”

Mary looked to him, smirking.

“And a pessimistic attitude isn’t going to make it better. Just let me do my job.”

… The second person I’ve met to ever back talk the Warden. Color me impressed.

Ian rolled his eyes behind his thick sunglasses.

“Let’s get this over with.”

Soon they were in the courtroom, Mary seated beside CR-S01… and quite the gathering too in the room. The place seemed to be packed. CR-S01 scanned the crowd, noting some of his colleagues were present. He caught sight of Gabe sitting in the crowd with a young a girl who looked similar to Mary sitting in his lap.

Gabe gave a small wave, the girl doing the same.

Mary chuckled.

“I see you found my brother and my little girl.”

“Y-Yes… I didn’t know Dr. Cunningham had a large family…” CR-S01 replied as he looked to her. “He’s the eldest correct?”

“Yep, and I’m the youngest. Got a brother in the middle.”

“I see…” …. I don’t know if the world is ready for three Cunninghams…

Mary snickered. “Not all of us our bush heads. Maru, our brother, is the only one with brown hair. We’re all different. Gabe’s a doctor, Maru is a medic and mechanic for a fire and rescue crew, and I’m a lawyer.”

“Interesting… Very interesting.” CR-S01 nodded noting the information away for later.

“Yeah… but let’s not focus on the Cunningham tree… Let’s focus on you.”

A banging noise was heard as everyone rose at the sound of the judge’s name being announced. The judge entered quietly, nodding to everyone before taking his place at the pulpit, everyone sitting down.

“The court is now in session, for the case of prisoner CR-S01 concerning the Cumberland College case.”

CR-S01 lowered his head a little, feeling some glares being thrown his way. Mary squeezed his shoulder.

“It’s gonna be okay.” she whispered.

She looked to the other side of the room at her opponents. A lawyer and some other guy in a well dressed suit.

If that agent guy told me correctly, this guy I’m up against is representing all the people who were killed in said incident… Oh this is gonna be a huge fire if I don’t play my cards right…

The opponent stood, looking to CR-S01.

“Prisoner CR-S01 has been charged with massive murderer of millions of innocent lives and for the development of bio terrorism weapons. This charge still holds to this day since no one else was found at the sight of the crime that could be responsible for what occurred.”

“Oppose!” Mary stood up giving the opponent a glare. “A sole witness does not equal murder every single time. And need I remind you that Cumberland College did NOT have a “million” students at the time. At the most over 200 but it was a specialized school. It’s hard to get into… And who’s to say the real culprit hadn’t died himself?”

“And what proof do you have that there was someone else?”

Mary looked to the judge.

“I’d like to call a witness to the stand your honor.”

The judge nodded. “Proceed.”

Mary grinned, looking to her opponent.

“Contrary to popular belief there were some survivors of the attack. Scarred? Yes… but none the less… people who can speak in defense of CR-S01. I call Luna Rivera to the stand.”

A woman with brown hair pulled back and blue eyes took to the stand. She looked to CR-S01 and smiled trying to show support.

Luna took the oath before Mary came up to her.

“Now, Luna, when I contacted you I wanted to ask what you remembered of the incident. I know it was a long time ago but I’m sure the court would VERY interested in hearing what you saw, despite only being half conscious.”

Luna nodded. “Yes of course…” She thought back to that day frowning as she recalled it. “I remember he was walking down the hallway but he looked terrified… He was trying to find pulses on some of us who were on the ground… But he wasn’t covered in blood or anything… He kept calling out for help…”

“Huh… how interesting.” Mary smirked. “That doesn’t scream murderer to me. What murderer would call for help after just killing a ton of people?” She looked to her opponent. “Hm? Tell me.”

“Last minute regrets? Too late to realize his mistake?” The other lawyer scoffed. “It’s possible.”

Luna narrowed her eyes. “And you didn’t go to school with this man.”

“Ah that’s right, I forgot to mention that.” Mary snickered. “Luna, had seen CR-S01 before.” She looked to CR-S01 grinning. “They weren’t in a bunch of classes together, but she did see him in passing with his professor.”


“Yes… He was close to Professor Sartre, if I remember correctly he was in all of his classes. Like I said I only had a few with him, but he wasn’t known to be violent…” Luna glanced over to him. “... Actually most of the girls only had broken hearts because they never got the guts to say anything to him.”

“Now this puts an interesting perspective… But I’m not done yet. There still remains the matter of who was actually responsible for the incident to occur.” Mary looked to the crowd. “I can not call her to the stand since she is in the hospital recovering, but I call forth Agent Navel to the stand to speak in Naomi Kimishima’s place.”

The agent in question took his place at the stand trading places with Luna as he was sworn in.

“He better not blow it.” Gabe muttered to his niece.

“Wouldn’t Mama kill him?” she asked, grinning a little.

Gabe smirked ruffling her hair. “Indeed she would and so would I.”

“Agent Navel, from what I was told, your colleague Naomi Kimishima found bones-”

“What does bones have to do with any of this?!” the opponent demanded.

The judge gave a warning look. “Continue Ms. Cunningham.”

Mary cleared her throat. “Thank you your honor. Now where was I? Oh yeah. Bones. Naomi Kimishima found bones that belonged to a professor at the college. Professor Sartre…. right?”

“Correct.” Agent Navel replied. “His bones were found to contain the pathogens that caused the symptoms of the Rosalia virus. On his personal effects there was antibiotics and syringes discovered as well. One bone fragment wound up inside an animal showing that the disease was still very much active.”

“I see… I will not ask how you got the bones.” Gabe told me the story, it was not a fun helicopter ride apparently. “But with what you and Naomi found not only in the bones… but in a house in Mexico… Albert Sartre is responsible for the development of the disease that caused such a panic last week.”

“Correct…” Navel’s gaze turned grim as he spoke. “There was a body… The body of a young girl, who due to the nature of the disease inside her body was perfectly preserved… The girl was the Rosalia virus's natural host and namesake… Rosalia Rossellini…”

CR-S01 lowered his head, frowning.


“Well then… I do have one other question to bring to the table… but not for Navel.. but for my client.” Mary looked to CR-S01. “Tell me… I know your memory is fragmented… But do you remember anything before you passed out?”

“Yes... I was surrounded by people… All unconscious or dead… I started feeling the ill effects myself and collapsed near one of the classrooms… There was someone else there…” He lowered his head a bit. “... It was professor Sartre… I was trying to call out for him but.. .He did something to me… Injected me with something… That’s all I remember before I woke up surrounded by the police.”

Mary noted. “Anything you’d like to say?” Mary asked her opponent.

The lawyer narrowed his eyes.

“He could be very well be lying.”

“But yet there’s enough facts to back this up. A student who knew of him before the incident, and was close with the professor and witnessed him trying to help others. Evidence that Professor Sartre was the one researching the very virus that caused a panic. What else do you want?”

The lawyer growled a little.

“That still leaves one thing open to possibility. He HELPED the professor in his research.”

“Hm… That is a good point… But that brings another question. Was CR-S01 intending to kill people with it?”

CR-S01’s head snapped up in alarm. “NO! I WOULD NEVER WANT TO HURT ANYONE!!!”

Mary grinned.

Perfect reaction… not faked… it was sincere.

“That reminds me…” Mary looked to the crowd. “I know for fact his colleagues are present as this case. I would like to ask that all those who work at Resurgam First Care to stand if they truly believe, this man would never want to harm anyone, during his stay at the hospital.”

One by one, everyone who worked with him, or was at Resurgam stood up.

“He’s not capable.” Emma Wilson said. “He’s too dedicated to saving lives.”

“He never gives up on a patient… That is the truth.” Maria added.

“We got a kid who was hurt in a bombing… He treated her, insisted on it because he knew only HE  could operate and save her. The kid is doing fine by the way.” Gabe said with a small smirk of his own.

“Thank for your testimonies…” Mary grinned, looking at all of them. “And I have one other person to ask… Agent Ian Holden… Tell me.” She looked to the agent who was off to the side. “After everything you saw within the week and everything that transpired the moment you let CR-S01 start saving lives again… Do you really think this man, would ever intend to develop something that would hurt so many people? Be honest now… After all… you’re the one who handcuffed him.”

Ian was quiet as he stood, all eyes focused on him. He then looked to CR-S01, trying to read him. CR-S01 looked to him… seeming to almost have a pleading look in his eyes.

Ian sighed, looking to everyone.

“... The man I arrested that day… I admit… part of it was done out of anger… Yes, I lost two people I loved very much that day during that incident… But after the fact… seeing how confused he was… and how submissive he was during his last court case… I couldn’t help but start to question what I had done. At the time… I thought I had brought justice for what happened to my loved ones… Then after it was all said and done… I didn’t feel satisfied… I felt that maybe justice hadn’t been served.” He looked to CR-S01 again. “I began to question if I had arrested the right person… I shoved it aside… but then the thought came back again when I let him out to save lives… and it kept growing as I saw him work… I had a hard time believing this was the one who took the lives of those at Cumberland College… especially after all he did for some of the patients he cared for.” He looked to the judge. “From all that I saw your honor… I can not imagine… that CR-S01 would ever be capable, of willingly taking anyone’s life.”

The judge nodded. “You may be seated Agent Holden.”

Ian nodded, sitting back down, keeping to himself.

Mary grinned to herself, seeing the lawyer she was against seeming to pale a little.

Got you right where I want you… Now to finish this.

“Your honor… I have no further evidence to present… But I can say with true honesty… That CR-S01 is innocent.” Mary took her seat. “That is all I have to say.” She looked to her opponent again. “Got anything to say in return?”

“... No.” He grumbled. “I do not.”

The judge nodded, looking the jury.

“With all that is presented, is now time we hear the opinion of the jury before a final decision is made for CR-S01.”

The jury nodded to one another before they all stood.

“We call the suspect… Not guilty.”

“Very well.” The judge looked to CR-S01. “Prisoner CR-S01, though you have been found not guilty, you will still be required to fulfill the sentence you were given. It is unfair… but there is still a price to be paid… However. It shall not be fulfilled in prison.” The judge looked to Ian. “Agent Holden… CR-S01 shall be allowed to work off his sentence in the manner that you established when you brought him out. You will personally be in charge of being sure his sentence is fully worked off.”

Ian nodded. “Yes your honor.”

The judge nodded. “Good… with the accused found not guilty… I officially deem the Cumberland College case closed…” He tapped his gavel on his pulpit. “Court adjourned.”

Soon as it was said, everyone exploded into conversation about the event, others coming over to CR-S01… mainly hs colleagues.

Mary smirked as her brother and daughter came over to her.

“Well bro? You pleased?”

“Dang right I am.” He smirked before handing her, her daughter. “Here you go, was holding this for you.”

Mary took her daughter hugging her. “Well Amy, how did Mommy do?”

“You kicked butt out there!”Amy cheered, hugging her mother. “He’s free!”

“Well, least as free as I can get him.” Mary smiled, kissing her head. “I’ve done all I can. Now he just has to follow through.”

“We’ll keep him out of trouble… And besides knowing him he’ll have that worked off within a few months. We get him on full clock now… Esha’s gonna LOVE that.” Gabe chuckled shaking his head. “He’s one of the best we’ve seen in years…”

Mary looked over to a client, seeing him being embraced by some of his colleagues.

“Bird is finally out of the cage!” Maria cheered. “Ha! Look out world we got a bad ace surgeon on the loose!”

Tomoe shook her head. “Maria…” She gave CR-S01 a gentle look. “But she is right… you’re free.”

He nodded giving a bit of a sheepish look. “Yes… But… Maria… You're choking me!”

“Woops!” Maria let go. “Sorry, keep forgetting you’re fragile.”

And there goes my dignity… Down the drain… Going… Going… Gone. He thought. “I’m.. I’m not fragile… Just… Not able to take that kind of pressure…”

“He’s all skin and bones!” Gabe called over as the surgeon turned a bit red.

Tomoe giggled. “He’s graceful is the term you’re looking for.”

“Thank you.” CR-S01 gave her a grateful look.

“This calls for celebration!” Maria chirped.

Hank nodded. “Indeed.”

Tomoe smiled. “Hanzou and I will happily provide. Our treat.”

“Thank you Dr. Tachibana…”

“Aww yeah! Now this is gonna be good TOMOE’S PAYING! HEY GABE! You better not ditch us!”

“Long as my sister and her daughter can come I’ll be definitely going.”

Tomoe bowed. “Everyone who helped is welcomed.”

“Then you got a set of Cunninghams.” Gabe smirked.

“While I’d love to stay… I need to get back to Dr. Kimishima…” Agent Navel bowed his head. “Congratulations on your release Doctor…”

CR-S01 nodded as Navel departed… Luna soon approaching him.

“Look at you… Finally free… How’s it feel?” She asked smiling warmly.

“It feels… relieving…” CR-S01 hadn’t felt it sunk in yet… but now it was finally coming over him. Free… There was work to be done… But he had a future… a real future before him. Before he knew it… a genuine smile came to his face. “Thank you… to everyone…”

“Whoa… He actually smiled… Alright another hug for the ex-convict!”

“Maria be gentle with him!”

It wasn’t just Maria this time though, it was everyone that came around him, embracing him gently. They were all happy for him… for the road before him… was looking bright than it had in a very, very long time.

Once again in CR-S01’s life… Hope was finally present.
This is a story I've been wanting to write for awhile since well, it would be the introduction story for a certain OC and on top of that I've never really seen anyone go into detail about the case that changed things around for CR.

So yes, I'd like everyone to meet Mary and her daughter, Amy, Cunningham who belong to the lovely lxeaf and she is one tough lawyer to deal with. I didn't really have much to go off of... but since she's the sister of Gabe, is the younger of two brothers, I can't help but imagine her having the Cunningham sass, and be a rather strong confident lady. Also Amy is just adorable. So yeah, that is Mary. (Those of you who get the reference concerning their brother, you know me very well.)

On top of that we have the return of an old OC named Luna who belongs to my buddy Storm. She wound up being unused for awhile until we started writing this. Came in handy.

Other than the OC returns... I'm mainly happy overall with this in the character development it adds. Especially for Ian. It was proven in game that he kind of wonders if he made the right choice in arresting CR... and I would think it would be even more so after seeing him action and well... Yeah. Seeing he's actually a good man.

So... Yeah. CR is free. Nice work team.

Till next time!

Mary and Amy (c) :iconlxeaf:

Luna (c) :iconstorm137:

Having a Life (c) :iconaileen-rose:

Trauma Center/Team (c) Atlus
© 2015 - 2024 Aileen-Rose
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GoldenCat12's avatar
OMG! This is so touching! Imagine this court in Ace Attorney style. That'll be a twisting Turnabout!
I wonder what will become of him now...